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Meditation, Yoga & Health


My path in meditation began at a very young age, the desire to know more about myself and life always accompanied and motivated me to investigate this discipline.

That feeling of search led me to be self-taught and I began to breathe and feel myself. Many years later yoga came to my life and for 18 years it has been part of my life routine.

Now you may wonder what this has to do with health and I can answer you a lot, not to say everything, since when we meditate and breathe consciously we obtain a state of stillness and well-being that affects all our organs and emotions. Meditating is a state of consciousness that we carry beyond a sitting posture, it is a state that we can maintain in every situation in our lives. Having our senses and our heart on something specific is also meditating.

Leaving philosophical depth aside, I would like to bring you closer to a scientific approach, since many years ago the scientific community began to do research on what happens in our body when we meditate. It is surprising to see the results of these studies and to observe how specific parts of our brain are activated in the meditation process, and most importantly, once we start meditating those parts remain active , in a part of the brain called the amygdala, even when we are not meditating. These studies have shown benefits against an array of conditions, both physical and mental, including irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder, among many others.


Thanks to all these advances I am very pleased to see more and more doctors recommending this practice to their patients. Understanding the importance of reconnecting with our essence from a space of stillness and recognising that we can all be part of our healing process. In the same way the practice of Yoga gives us the opportunity to continue connecting with that peace, it also gives us direct and specific physical benefits for different organs and parts of our body.


Today I am very grateful to have found this path and even more so for being able to share it with anyone who wants to find definitive changes in their life.

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